Monday, 25 June 2007

Exotic Soup - the blog...

(For some reason this post refuses to appear in bold, no matter how I edit it...)

Ok, so it's been a while since I posted. Obviously I've been a bit busy - at work, at home and just generally. Mostly I've been working on my webcomic and the accompanying website, listed above.

Previously this blog was just a place to vent my metaphysical spleen, but it was a bit aimless and that's no way to run a blog, dammit!

So, what with the comic being a serious ongoing project of mine, I've decided to post an accompanying blog to the comic, so from now on I'll post once a week, as I do with the comic, although maybe not at the same time, but probably pretty close.
I did get part of the name for the strip from the blog - the 'soup' part sounded great with the word 'Exotic', which at one time was all I could think of for the name of the strip.
So this blog will be mostly about the comic, which is good because I'm keeping to my once a week updates schedule on the comic, (a fact that I am proud of,) so I think I can manage a once a week blog post too, and having the comic as a main topic will give me something to write about if I get stuck.

I may still wander off into topics of personal interest and debate, kind of like Scott Adams, (of Dilbert fame,) does with his, of which I am a regular reader.
By the way, I remember that Scott had a thing set up whereby if anyone mentions his name and the word Dilbert on a blog, it sent a message to his blackberry telling him, so if you're reading this Scott - Hi! I'm a big fan of the blog and cartoons. Please check out my webcomic if you have a couple of minutes spare. There's only 9 strips so far, so it's still in it's infancy and won't take long to read. Thanks.

For anyone else reading this - Hi! Check out the strip! Leave comments on the strip or blog or email me: mike at exotic soup dot co dot uk - I'd love to hear your feedback.

Until next week: Ka-spoot! (If you've read the strips, you'll understand...)

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