Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Hello? Is this thing on?

Well it was two months since my last strip in October. It's now February. That makes it six months. Yikes. Not exactly what you'd call regular huh? Well I've been doing even more socialising and hanging out with lots of new friends and I was talking to one of them tonight and mentioned that I used to do a webcomic. She read it and wanted to know what happened next, so I read through them again and I got all fired up about how much I loved doing the strip. They take so damn long to do, especially considering they're not even in colour but I had such a great time and I had loads of strips written.
So basically, consider this time apart as a hiatus, which to be honest, is what I did. I always wanted to continue the strip, so I'm going to start looking into it. I have a long weekend this weekend, although Friday I'm going off on an adventure with a friend and Saturday I'm meeting up with a load of friends in London. That leaves Sunday and Monday to get a new strip done and online. I think I'll start looking into doing prep sketches tomorrow. No promises, but I'll hopefully have something new to show Monday night.
Cheers Y'all